Saturday, July 02, 2005

"That coffee shoppe used to be my bedroom"

By Jim Nutting

Doesn't the expulsion of citizens from their homes in the Gaza in Israel give us a hint of what's to come? Jewish residents refuse to leave. Though for different reasons, expulsion is expulsion. The Fort Trumbull section of New London Conn. along the Thames River is under attack by the corporate extremists and are threatened to leave their homes. These American residents vow they won't leave. How far will it go? Will the Connecticut government illegally use the law of Eminent Domain in the name of "economic growth" as the Israeli left wing extremist Sharon government uses their disengagement plan in the name of "peace"? (Giving Jewish land to Arab terrorist murderers to insure peace). Will our president and lawmakers allow our borders to weaken as people from other countries invade our land? Unlike our descendents, most illegal immigrants have no plans to become productive citizens of our country. Their plans to come to the America are not the same. They come here and bring their baggage. The Illegal immigration disaster is a direct threat. Not only a loss of jobs, drastic increase crime and a cultural attack, there is also the threat of terrorist infiltration. Our leadership is weak and getting weaker. The leadership in Israel is already screwed. Sharon and Bush are kissing the ass of "world opinion" and hurting their own citizens. The American people want tight controls of our borders and the people of the Jewish state of Israel do not want to expel people from Gaza communities. Sharon and Bush obviously have their own plans. Sharon will kiss up to the Arabs as Bush holds hands with Vicente Fox. As for the government forcing residents to move from their homes in Connecticut to put in a shopping and economic center, Wake up America! If this is permitted, do you really own your house?
Second Amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Street Smarts "Tool of Good Nature"

by Jim Nutting

An old robbery scam is coming back in Southern California. It's amazing how gullible people can be. We all try to feel compassion towards our fellow human being, but where do you draw the line? Here's an example. You're sitting at a bus stop late at night; a young man dressed well politely asks you if you have change of a five dollar bill. You smile and pull out your wallet and take a look. Obviously you have money in your wallet otherwise you wouldn't be looking. The youngster hits you in the face, takes your whole wallet along with your cell phone. This is a returning trend using the good nature of people as a robbery tool. Now some of you reading this would say that you'd fight back in order to get your money and property. Real brave but it's a stupid move for two possible reasons. One, being you didn't see four of the robber's accomplices across the street and the other, a .38 caliber snub nose pistol in his waistband. Remember it's late at night and he has your cell phone. Always be aware of your environment. These animals prey on your good nature. From the moment you smiled at him he saw his target. This bottom feeder more than likely has never had a job but sees robbery as a career. He probably does this all night. After all, he has to keep himself in $300 sweat suits and silver chains. Safety is never a guarantee, even in daylight. In a concealed/carry state the odds may be different based on the victim and his or her training and tactics. Either way, the best way to avoid being a victim of this type of crime is to keep a serious face and never pull out your wallet or purse in public. Believe me; you're hurting no one's feelings. I tend to turn the tables and will ask the people around me if they could spare a dollar or two for bus fare. That freaks out any potential robber, but that's just me. If you're not a lucky person, some cop may come by and give you a ticket for panhandling. Just say NO and don't give the robber the tool of good nature to work with.

Cop Killer
Extradition Questionable?

by Jim Nutting

“Mexicans do not trust their police either to protect them from harm or to solve crimes”– Mexican National Secretary of Public Security Alejandro Gertz Manero -

In Mexico it’s okay to torture but not extradite a cop killer just because he may face the death penalty. The same corrupt government whose military, police officials and politicians are routinely in bed with drug cartels. The same bunch that executed American DEA agent Enrique "kiki" Camarena in 1985. Extradition laws are so difficult that the FBI had to resort to sending a Bounty Hunter to Mexico to bring Humberto Alvarez-Machain, one of Camarena murder suspects to justice.

Raul Garcia-Gomez, alleged murderer of Denver Police Detective Donald Young was recently apprehended in Culiacán, Mexico. Detective Young was off-duty and providing security for a baptism on May 8th. Young was shot several times. Young’s partner Detective John Bishop, also off-duty, was injured but was saved by his bullet proof vest. The big question is; will the Denver authorities strike a deal with Mexican authorities to waive the death penalty in order to extradite this low-life cop killer? What a slap in the face to our justice system. Allowing the criminal Mexican justice system to dictate the terms. It’s a second slap in the face to the family and friends of Detective Young. If the Mexican government refuses to extradite Garcia-Gomez and the Denver authorities drop to their knees and agree to waive the death penalty, shame on Denver and shame on the American people for allowing it to happen. This has gone on too long. Americans spend so much money in Mexico. Tourism is a major portion of the Mexican economy. Agricultural trade is another. Both can be affected by concerned American citizens if justice doesn’t prevail. The “Gringo” has been treated like crap in Mexico for too long. The Mexican government has too much say-so here in our country. Our neighbors are throwing trash in our yard and it has to stop. Let’s hope that the Denver authorities think like Americans.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Jim Nutting
The Nation of “Terrorism”

Jim Nutting

We are at war, a war on terrorism. How do we fight a war with a nation that does not exist? We create a nation called “Terrorism”. The nation of “Terrorism” is broken off into allied armies such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah etc. The countries where they set up operations should be deemed “occupied”.

We should demand of these nations like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran for example, to rid their countries of the enemy. These occupied countries should be given a reasonable timeframe to accomplish the task and we should not interfere in the tactics they use to complete the task. If not accomplished, we deem the country as “taken over” and finish the job, with or without coalition assistance to eliminate the occupiers.

In this war against “Terrorism”, it is so very obvious that “negotiation” should never be an option. This is not a war of land, it is a religious war. The enemy declared Jihad. The Geneva Convention is not observed by the enemy. The manner in which the Terrorist armies fight is beyond understanding by any civilized society.

The countries of the EU refuse to acknowledge this. France and Germany have been infiltrated. Spain gave in to the Terrorists. The UN’s voting record against the US routinely speaks for itself. We need to demand of the occupied countries now, to rid their nations of the enemy. This includes Israel. Israel, if left alone by world opinion and anti-Semitism, could have eliminated the Terrorists within their borders years ago. Israel is negotiating with the Terrorists and giving up its land for peace, peace which will never happen until Israel is wiped off the face of the earth.

The left claims the war in Iraq is unjust. There is proof of Terrorist infiltration into Iraq prior to the war and that Iraq was hosting Terrorist training camps. Iraq was, and is still occupied.

Afghanistan was occupied and was unable to rid the country of the Terrorists. The Taliban was able to take control and offer Al Qaeda a base of operation. We went in and took care of business. The problem was, we had to suffer a severe blow to wake us up. Our troops are still there fighting Terrorists. The war in Iraq is a just war, WMD or not.

There are Terrorist cells within our borders right now. There are still so many Americans sleeping. We are at war.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

But he was in a wheelchair

I was pumping over priced gas into my truck at the local Arco
station in town this evening. I overheard these two women on the
opposite pump talking. One of the ladies was pretty robust. She told
the other woman that the "Jews" just blew Arafat out of his
wheelchair and said "what cowards". I don't like to butt into other
peoples conversations but I felt an urge to correct her.

I informed her that it was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, an Arab terrorist
and not Arafat who was blown out of the wheelchair. I told her that
with the help of G-d and the IDF, Arafat will be next. The lady had
a very high pitched voice. She began to whine "but he was in a
wheelchair". I explained that Yassin was a co-founder of Hamas and
was responsible for numerous terror attacks. Fatty's response
was "but they used a helicopter and bombed him". I asked her if she
felt sorry for the Palestinian Arabs. Fatso told me that the
Palestinians have nowhere to go, can't provide for themselves and
can't feed themselves nevertheless put together an army to fight
the "Jews".

I explained to her that Yassin has even ordered the killing of
Palestinian Arabs if he thought they collaborated with the "Jews".
She gave me this precious stare and then stuffed what looked like a
mini-muffin into her face. I told her that if they wanted a place to
go, Israel was surrounded by Arab countries who can welcome them
with open arms. They share the same religion. "Israel is for Jews" I
told her. The other lady turned away and jumped into the passenger
seat of their BMW sedan. Muffin Butt went on to say that she did
feel sorry for them.

I told her that the Palestinian Arabs teach their children be
martyrs by blowing themselves up. I saw that Fatty had a child car
seat in the back of her BMW sedan with a faded Gore-Leiberman
sticker on the rear window. I asked her if she would subject her
children to that type of education and then hand her kid the
detonator. Boy did I hit a nerve. I told her that Israel was a
Jewish state and that the Palestinian Arabs were trespassing. There
it was again, the whine, "but he was in a wheelchair". My reply
was "I don't care" Yassin was evil, crippled and mentally ill and
the rest of them were just evil and mentally ill. That's why they
have nothing. I told her that if she was so concerned about their
hunger, she shouldn't be. If it bothered her so much, she should
mail them the remaining muffin (G-d knows she don't need it) so they
could stop sucking off the Israeli tit.

She was pissed. I asked her if she felt the same about Leon
Klinghoffer, who was shot in the head on the Achille Lauro and then
pushed overboard by the PLO while he was confined to a wheelchair in
1985. She didn't want to continue the discussion. Muffin-Butt
squeezed into her car and left.


Jim Nutting

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Do monsters really exist?
Jim Nutting

I have always been an open proponent of the death penalty. I also believe in due
Process. If one is sentenced to meet his or her maker, there should be no doubt that person murdered their victim or victims. I am also against cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners. Punishment of human criminals should fit the crime. Recently, I have experienced a change of heart. What if the crimes were committed by something other then a human.
David Westerfield, who crawled out from the bowels of a sick and permissive society, lurks into a community, terrorizes and kills a child. Westerfield, like many other child molesters, attack the innocent and instill fear into the hearts and minds of mankind.
Crimes like this have been happening for many generations, but now seems to be festering into an epidemic of unbelievable proportions. Recently an 11-year old girl was abducted and killed. Millions witnessed the kidnapping on television. A college girl was kidnapped in broad daylight and killed by a previously convicted kidnapper who should never have been released back into public. There are other high profile cases now pending involving crimes against innocence. Again, I believe in the due process of law and I will not comment on anyone until they are convicted. There is a common thread with these individuals. They are what scared us as children. They are the things that we feared were hiding under our beds. They made us afraid of the dark. We insisted they were real. Our parents assured us that it was okay and sometimes kept the light on. They comforted us by saying, “there is no such thing as monsters”. They were wrong. Monsters do exist. Worse yet, they creep through our communities during times of daylight.
When captured and convicted, do we put these monsters to death? I don’t believe in all cases we should. All murders are tragic and all murderers should pay the ultimate price. Monsters rape and kill their victims, horrifying society and changing it forever. Monsters do not go away, they will ooze into once safe neighborhoods. Some monsters have infiltrated into families and terrorize within. Once appearing to be a family member or friend and then morphing into a creature with a lust to induce pain on the innocent. Leaving the light on won’t help.
Modern science is inventing medicines to cure and comfort the ill. Every day animals give their lives to modern science. Even after a possible cure for a disease is found, there has to be ongoing studies of the medicines because the tests were done on other species. This could take decades. I think you know where I am going with this. Yes, I did say I was against cruel and unusual punishment. You’re right. What I meant to say was cruel and unusual punishment against humans, not monsters. Society needs to know there is a payback. In cases of murderous rape, this punishment fits the crime. I place a higher value on rats, monkeys and rabbits over monsters. Oh yes, terrorists are monsters too.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Hate speech and terrorist support from within

Jim Nutting

Few are aware of La Voz de Aztlan. La Voz de Aztlan is internet news and information service who also call themselves, The Aztlan Communications Network (ACN). ACN is based in Los Angeles California and according to their hit counter, has had more then a million visitors to their site since ACN began in January 1, 2000.

Ernesto Cienfuegos, Editor and Chief and Hector Carreon, Publisher, keep the anti-Jew/anti-Israel and anti-American site updated regularly. The site is supposed to be dedicated to the belief that Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington belong to the "mythical" homeland of Aztlán. The Voz de Aztlán contends that these lands are property of the Chicano and Mexican people.

The “myth” is just a magnet to pull in support and then redirect the battle to pure anti-Semitism. They began with stories about immigration, police brutality, the Border Patrol and then festered into hate filled anti-Jew propaganda.

The Voz de Aztlan compares themselves to the Palestinian Arabs. They published stories with titles like “The Israelization of the USA and its Dangers to Mexico”, “Zionist Army Continues Slaughtering Palestinians” and the ACN hate-rag even republished the anti-Semitic and fraudulent transcript, "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion".

In a recent article by Cienfuegos, “Mother of two latest martyr against Israeli apartheid”, he calls the 21 year old female Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade homicide bomber a “Freedom fighter” for blowing herself up at the Erez border check point between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Cienfuegos also compares Jews to Nazis. Voz de Aztlan also hosts a boycott of Israeli products. Their hatred is so deep that they even want kosher symbols removed from America’s food products. Cienfuegos wrote a pathetic piece titled, “The kosher-nostra scam”.

ACN uses an image of an Israeli flag with a swastika replacing the Star of David to link to a petition to stop US military aid to Israel and another image on their site of a US flag with a Star of David covering the state stars.

Cienfuegos has gone beyond his exercise of free speech. He’s screaming fire in a crowed theater. He is over the edge and an obvious danger not only to the Jewish people but young and impressionable Hispanic kids in the barrios.

In southern California there are literally millions of illegal aliens from Mexico. Many have brought their children. The children attend public schools. Many don’t finish school because the prospect of a career is impossible without legal residency documentation. Many of these kids hit the streets and get involved in gangs. Some are drawn in to the bowels of organizations like the Voz De Aztlan. People without proper education could be easily drawn in to Cienfuegos’ trap. Cienfuegos and his cronies are not stupid, just Nazis and promoters of terrorism. Put your boots on, bring antiseptic hand wash and take a tour of the Nation of Aztlan’s “Voz de Aztlan” web site.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Michael Jackson race card

So, some think its racism. I hate to break it to them. It’s not. Michael Jackson is accused of child molestation. If it were a famous family singer from the same era like Donny Osmond, the outcry from the public would be the same. Jackson’s bizarre behavior is beyond eccentric. It’s weird.
Even after the accusations almost a decade ago, Jackson has not changed his off the wall antics. I agree, he probably didn’t have a normal childhood like others. Jackson grew up in a business world. His lifestyle probably deprived him of normal childhood friendships and education. He was an icon and had to live up to the expectations of his fans and family. Donny Osmond, who also started singing with his brothers around the same time, also had to live up to the same expectations as Jackson.
If Osmond dangled his baby from a balcony and had little boys in his bedroom for routine sleepover parties, he would be under the same microscope. It’s the fame, not the race that brings the added attention. These guys are looked up to and trusted by their young fans. Jackson blew that trust. No one in his or her right mind could seriously say that racism does not exist in America. It does. And it will always exist.
Not only by whites but all races. The issue is the corruption of the innocence of children. Those who are screaming racism are crying wolf. The only people benefiting from this race card defense are the race activists. This is a very high profile case and they will play it all the way to the bank. If Jackson could prove his innocence in a court of law, it will be based on his defense, not his color, whichever color that may be.